
Noonday Prayer


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About the Initiative

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS (NWPHA) is an annual HIV awareness campaign tha mobilizes faith communities; and highlights the contributions and impact congregations are making in areas of HIV prevention, testing, direct sevice, advocacy, and community engagement.

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS (formerly known as The Black Church Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS and The Harlem Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS) is the forerunner of all national HIV awareness campaigns in the US. This national faith mobilization campaign continues to call men and women of faith to prayer and to take aggressive action in dismantling the AIDS stigma, modeling unconditional love and compassion to all persons living with and affected by HIV, disseminating factual HIV education, and engaging communities in HIV testing and treatment services.

All congregations within America’s divers faith communities are invited to participate as leaders across our nation to work together to END the AIDS Epidemic in every state, county, neighborhood, street, and family.

The mission of The Balm In Gilead, Inc. is to prevent diseases and improve the health status of people of African Descent by supporting faith institutions in areas of program design, implementation, and evaluation to strengthen their capacity to programmatically eliminate health disparities.


The purpose of the Noonday Prayer is to bring national attention to the AIDS epidemic in the United States, and the extraordinary role faith communities can play in HIV prevention, education, service, and advocacy. Every Church, Synagogue, Mosque, and Temple is invited to join together in prayer to rip down all barriers, like stigma and fear, that can halt the progressive path to ending the AIDS epidemic. Learn More →

Get Involved

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS (NWPHA) is a catalyst to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS, and to empower groups and individuals to seek and distribute information and services to persons in their congregations and the communities.

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS, a national health promotion campaign, utilizes individual, group, institutional, community, and systemic strategies to improve health knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and disease management.

How Can My Congregation GET INVOLVED in 2021?

  • Make HIV awareness, compassion, and action the highlight of your worship experience during the week of March 7 – 14, 2021. This may include, but is not limited to:
    • Make HIV education and compassion the focus of the morning and/or evening sermon.
    • Specifically pray for the healing of AIDS during your worship service.
    • Organize a virtual prayer vigil and/or virtual community HIV education activity.
  • Widely distribute HIV information to the congregation and community.
  • Promote HIV testing by partnering with your local health department or community health service organizations that provide HIV testing.
  • Design ways to intentionally show compassion and care to persons living with and affected by HIV.


Our Mission

The mission of The Balm In Gilead is to prevent diseases and improve the health status of people of African Descent by supporting faith institutions in areas of program design, implementation, and evaluation to strengthen their capacity to programmatically eliminate health disparities.